Art Chats
Living Your Wild Creativity Art Chats are our gift to you. It is our joy to share the rich legacy of artists who contributed to the abstract art movement.
Paul Cezanne was an artist who pushed the envelope in defining shapes through color and was one of the leaders of the early modern colorists leading to the Abstract Art movement.
Emily Mason was an artist who worked and exhibited in the mid 1900’s. She was part of the Abstract Art Expressionism movement. Her main interest was intuitive color.
Claude Smith is a contemporary abstract artist living and working in Sonoma County. He very much lives an artist’s life, dedicating his energy to contemplative questions and personal expression.
Ethel Scwhabacher was an artist and teacher and part of the Abstract Art Expressionism movement. Being influenced by her good friend Arshile Gorky, she was interested in expression with color, and shapes.
Claude Smith, Part 2. Grant Taylor and Suzanne Jacquot interview lyrical abstract artist Claude Smith in his studio. He talks about what works for him. Grant Taylor, videographer.
Arshile Gorky was an artist that bridged and connected several movements in the early and mid 1950’s. His influences were Paul Cezanne, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Joan Miro and Roberto Matta. He was the great synthesizer of Abstract Art Expressionism.
Estaban Vicente was the only Spanish artist to be included as an important artist of the Abstract Art Expression in the USA.
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